It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these requirements for submitting assessments and ensure you follow them:
- When submitting an assessment, you are declaring that all assessment submissions are your own work and that you understand the requirements relating to collusion and plagiarism.
- You also agree to complete all assessments within the time frames specified in your course outline.
How to Complete Quiz Assessments
Some assessment tasks will ask you to complete an online auto-marked quiz:
- Answer the quiz questions using your knowledge, the course learning materials and internet search
- Submit your answers to be automatically graded by the system
- You must answer all questions correctly. Retake the quiz as many times as you need.
How to Submit Written Assessments
Some assessment tasks will ask you to complete a written assessment. Follow these steps for these assessments:
- Download the assessment document(s). The link will be in your assessment task
- Edit the assessment document in Word or other document editor and add your answers.
- Once you have added all your answers and are ready to submit it, save your assessment document as a PDF.
- Upload you PDF document into your assessment activity to send to your assessor for marking.
How to Submit Real Estate Form Assessments
Some assessment tasks will ask you to complete one or more real estate forms. Note! These are not Word documents that you can edit. Follow these steps for these assessments:
- Download the form document(s). The link will be in your assessment task
- Print out the form
- Complete the form using a black pen. Note! Read your assessment task instructions carefully, you many only need to complete one or some of the form pages.
- Use a phone app such as Adobe Scan (Android and iOS) or Microsoft Office Lens (Android or iOS) to covert your completed paper form into a PDF document.
- Upload the PDF document into your assessment activity to send to your assessor for marking.