We’ll notify your Assessor when you submit an assessment that needs to be marked. They will mark each answer in your submission as either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory and provide you written feedback.
You will be notified when an assessment has been marked, so you can see your results and review the assessor feedback.
A Satisfactory grade shows you have met the assessment requirements.
A Not Satisfactory grade shows you need to improve on your answer.
If a single answer is marked as Not Satisfactory, it may not result in you being marked as Not Yet Competent (NYC) you may just need to note the feedback from the Assessor.
When you have satisfactorily completed all assessments, your Assessor will provide you with a Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC) result together with detailed written feedback on your overall performance in this unit.
A Competent result means the unit is completed and you can move to the next unit in your course.
Note! You will have access to your completed units for 90-days. After 90 days the completed unit will disappear from your Student Portal Dashboard and you will lose access to it.
A Not Yet Competent results means that you need to review the feedback from your Assessor or if required contact the Assessor to discuss your answers and then resubmit the assessment for marking.